DXA Bone Density Scan (RETIRED)

Diagnostic Bone Density Scans – Legacy Information

(We no longer do bone density scans.  We are keeping this page up for informational purposes only).

One in two women over the age of 50 will have an osteoportic fracture in their lifetime. Osteoporosis is a bone disease in which the individual experiences an asymptomatic loss of bone, seen commonly after menopause. Due to this loss, bones become brittle and can break from falls or even minor bumps and bruises depending on the severity of the osteoporosis progression. Since it is almost impossible to sense the onset of osteoporosis, if one experiences any height loss or any curve in their upper back, it could be time to take a deeper dive into your bone health.

Insurance companies and physicians often dictate when to have a bone density study. The diagnostic bone density (differs from total bone density) focuses on detailed regions of the hips, lumbar spine, and occasionally the forearm (wrist).

Bone Density is graded with a T-Score

  • T-Score greater than or equal to 0.1 = Normal
  • T-score between -1.1– -2.4 = Osteopenia
  • T Score -2.5 or lower is osteoporosis

DXA scans can calculate the risk for a fracture over the next 10 years if osteopenic, based upon the FRAX database. Those with osteoporosis should consider treatment or other interventions. Any female over the age of 65 OR any adult over the age of 50 who falls from a standing height and broken a bone should be evaluated for osteoporosis.